During the last years we had various try outs on using food within the performing arts and outside, always noticing that it brings a unique sense of community to our performances. RAW therefore was a project about hospitality, about connecting with people through the means of food, eating and drinking. Together with four invited artists, notfoundyet hosted four evenings at a special location at Resselpark, creating, cooking and serving different menus for each performance along with four professional chefs from Vienna. Starting point for RAW was a discussion between the invited artists, notfoundyet and the local chefs which dishes were to select and how to create different menus together. The idea for the cooks was to be alchemists: they were experimenting, playing, constructing, re-constructing, deconstructing, taking something ordinary, i. e. a potato, and turning it into something extraordinary. A day at RAW was then started in the early afternoon with the artist and cook putting together the proposed food elements in a playful manner. The performances in the evening offered an insight into the art of the invited artists, using conversation, food and drink as artistically transformed tools to digest their world and to find inspiration, comfort and new ideas in it. Each evening was a meeting of artists, cooks and audience at eye level. Delicious dishes, their preparation and their joint consumption thus became a kind of food for conversation, shared hospitality turned into a way of artistic participation, the whole evening into an immersive performance, creating a temporary restaurant as an overall experience: bon appétit!
RAW – performance & dining
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notfoundyet – Laia Fabre, Thomas Kasebacher